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Sunday, January 12, 2025

The massive Gold and Silver Cache of Majoma

Original Post February 2023 

 and others

Seeking Financial Partner

The following information is taken from copies of the original documents


The year was 1777, another 44 years yet before Mexico finally won their independence from the oppressions of Spain but remained under the thumb of the Holy Roman Empire under the name of Catholicism. Since the 1500’s the Mexican Indians had organized much in the same way the Confederates of our Civil War had done, taking advantage and striking the invaders at every opportunity, to weaken them, especially the assaulting of hundreds of shipments of Gold and Silver headed by mule trains for Mexico, occurring at intervals for over 300 years. No doubt these Mexican Indian banditos suffered at times with turmoil from within as their enemy was of the same faith which they adhered to; apparently forgotten and not realizing it had been forced upon their ancestor’s centuries before. Why they still adhered to it I will never understand… 

Like the Confederate soldier of our Civil war, the many robberies were not for personal gain but to weaken the enemy and in the case of Mexico, take away the one thing that kept the Spanish coming back for over 300 years. But 50 years prior to Captain Valentin Castrillon, we have the following account… 

In 1727 Just 50 years prior to Valentin becoming Captain of the Durango band of Banditos, Nicholas Castillo was passed the torch making him captain by Captain Jose Ramirez, a Zacatecas Indian “a very brave man indeed” who was seriously injured in a recent assault. After Captain Ramirez had passed, word came from the spies placed in each of the Taverns that a mule train was about to leave Durango and headed for Mexico City. Captain Castillo rounded up the men and they decided to assault the mule train at La Lajita, a place where many assaults had taken place due to its perfect location and nearness to the cavern of Majoma. It was said that 8 Red Dun mule trains containing 10 mules each would be passing through and with his men ready, days later the mule train was on its way and arriving at the chosen assault location. It was a complete surprise said Captain Castillo in his written account, the battle was short and leaving 14 of Castillo’s men dead and 11 injured, but of the Spaniards it was worse, 12 carriers and 19 escorts lay dead, the rest were taken prisoner. Among the wounded was a commanding officer by the name of Canedo, he informed Captain Castillio that the herd of mules under his command were carrying gold tiles, half destined as a gift for the queen of Spain in return for favours received when the donor, the Count of Branciforte, was in Spain. The other half of the booty that we took was meant as a dowry for the wedding of the Countess Anna Maria, daughter of the Count of Branciforte, who was about to marry the Duke of Alba. The shipment of silver was also property of said Count (or Earl). Part was for the crown and part was for the payment of quicksilver, the tithe of the Church; it also contained what corresponded to the viceroyalty and also payment of a personal loan from the Marquis of Sierra Nevada. 

It took many days to make the transfer from the kill site to the caverns of Majoma, and to erase all evidence. The silver and the gold was placed in separate caverns. By January of the next year most if not all of Castillo and his men were hunted down and killed or captured and shot or hung. 

How many robberies took place over the 300 years is not know, The Documents I have been blessed to receive specifically speak of 3 accounts over a period of about 60 years involving Majoma and one not far north of it, however there must be many more as there is no less than 14 other cache sites mentioned... and two more fantastic documents, one in Nayrit and the other beginning in Jalisco and ending in Nayarit, both written by none other than one of the Lauriono Brothers, the most revered by the people and famous band of banditos of Mexico. 

Another more fantastic robbery took place in 1777 under the command of Captain Valentin Castrillon, told in the following. 

Captain Valentin Castrillon was now Captain since the Brave Indian and former Captain Mursia had died and left him Valentin in command. 

One day word came through spies, that a rather large shipment was headed their way which consisted of 12 mule trains of 40 mules each, 10 trains of pack mules carrying silver and 2 trains of Red Dune mules carrying Gold and shod with silver shoes. 

Later they would discover the shipment was sent by General Barron de Vilpamaro, lord and master of the large mines of Sonora and Tamazula, he was sending it as tithing to his queen Isabel de EspaƱa and that is why he sent them like this and the 10 trains of silver were from a convoy that came from Guarisona (Arizona) el Pilar, Gavilanes, San Dimas, Tlayoltita, El Naranjal, Metalito, Palualto, El Alto, others from Topia and other areas. 

Captain Valentin gathered in his men and prepared them for the ambush at the location they knew as Lajita. When the Spanish mule trains entered the brena Valentin attacked, the battle was brutal and by the time the dust settled, 72 Spaniards were dead and 23 of Valentin’s banditos. Immediately the men gathered in the mules and began the short journey of 1 ½ leagues away but it was through some of the nastiest terrain God ever created. It took days to dispose of the dead many bodies of which some were used to create a bridge across a deep desert wash to shorten the distance to the Cavern. 

After the spoils were off loaded and filling even more of the cavern which they at one time vowed more than a hundred years before, to fill this cavern with Gold only, it seemed they had finally reached that goal as they could not get this stone lid back on and to fit tight. Valentin instructed his men to dig shallow trenches around the coral which held the cavern and dispose of the remainder of the vast cache. The trenches were filled with silver and gold and it is said it was done hap hazard and that even to that day, some of it remains uncovered. They had the same problem with the silver cache cavern, with not enough room to place it Valentin ordered the men to dig a pit in which they threw the over burden of silver and mixing a sort of concrete covered the hole. 

It wasn’t long after that the Spanish authorities had had enough of the constant robberies of the last 300 years or so and an all out effort was organized to hunt down the native banditos. Over the next few short months many of the banditos had been captured and executed and only a few short years after that, Mexico finally won their independence ridding themselves of the Spanish oppressions of the intruders of near 300 years, only to be replaced by another foreign enemy, one that they to this day are still unaware. Estimates based on facts and clues of the main cache cavern of Gold is conservatively set at no less than 20 Billion. Our first target will be some 6 ,iles away at the Iberio Gold cache site valued at conservative 170 to 200 Milllion, the silver cavern value is unknown but suspect due to documentation to be valued at over 50 million, and the value of the silver pit is unknown, the 2 overflow cache trench's are also unknown... The many other mentioned cach locations are unknown amounts and unknown locations at this time.

For this project, I am seeking an interested party to become part of the team as a finacial partner, an expedition is being planned and estimates of cost for at least a one week venture is around $5000. If the interested party is wanting to physically join the expedition we are going to have to discuss this in detail. We may not be Oceans Eleven, but we have some interesting details to disclose...  Interested party should also expect other expenses as well such as a possible buy in, and they may expect total disclosure with signed non comp, non disclosure agreement. All question can be addressed at a private personal meeting. tuscoro@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Another Spanish Cache Configuration

 Original Post February 1st 2017

Edited and Added upon

In the fall of 2016, a friend called me who was working on a remote sub station site for the local power company. He asked if I had ever seen any monuments in the area where he was working. I asked him why? And he responded telling me that from where he was standing not far from the sub station, he could see what appeared to be at least 3 monuments on the side of a small hill and one higher on another larger hill. I had my doubts not that I didn’t trust his perception; it is just that if I had a dollar for every misconception of monuments, petroglyphs and the like, I suppose I would be set for life. I ask him to take a few pictures of what he could see in the distance, and sure enough, it appeared as we had another potential monument location likely an instructional site giving directions to a place I learned of many years ago in the North West where Spaniards had been known to frequent, and in one case spent 60 years mining it, yet this is information is not publicly known.

Many years prior a friend of mine had taken me to the place in the North West to show me some monuments where his Uncle was a big rancher, from what I recall it certainly appeared Spanish expeditions had been there, but this was well over 30 years ago. Since this time there has been many indications of expeditions to the place shown on the old maps, Sierras de Oro.

When we first arrived at this new monument site, I knew if they proved to be authentic and because of their location at the edge of a great barrier, that this site was some how connected to what I knew was Sierras de Oro on the other side. On first examination of the monuments I highly suspected this site as an informational location giving instruction of some thing. At first I thought it was possibly giving instruction as to a location of a last chance spring of water for if one left this place without water, they most certainly could die of thrust if they were to continue.

Further investigations began to show that my initial suspicions were likely incorrect.

Approaching the first monument with two more in site, I could see this suddenly had the potential of a cache configuration. Triangulation is the primary reason for this suspicion; confirmation would soon come after taking all the data of documenting the site back to the computer to create the digital layout.

There are several things to do when investigating a monument, questions to resolve such as, "Is it a mining claim marker from the late 1800's or later? Is it a modern creation for what ever purpose? These questions can be answered very quickly by turning to the Crustose Lichen IF it is present.

Spanish monuments are fairly stout, unlike a well built mining claim marker which I have seen plenty and some are actually built quite well, but they are always lacking in two things, one, Crustose Lichen of significant growth, and two, rigidness. When doubt is ever in the mix, I like to give the monument a good jolt with my hands just enough to jar it, a Spanish monument will not move, maybe just a bit, a more recent monument such as a well built mining claim marker will move with even applying pressure to it as if to push it aside. There are several other things to consider as well and with all these things combined, it is possible to determine authenticity and in some case a general time frame they may have been built.

Monument # 1: Approaching monument 1, it was a simple 4 foot monument, it had no particular shape nor any indication of pointers or site windows, this to me was an indication of its purpose of  a specific point in a configuration layout, but for what? Had this monument been found all by itself I may not have given it to much of my time. Crustose Lichen spores present gave indications of approximately 300 years since the monuments were built, this incited even more enthusiasm and excitement. (UPDATE: Monument # 1 on a second visit it was discovered to be a turtle monument of which the head points precisely to monument # 4 which could not yet be seen).

(Note: A "turtle Monument" IS NOT a single rock of any size that just happens to appear to look like a turtle using imaginative skills, it is a literal construction of rocks to form a column or well shaped pile of rocks and not necessarily intended to look like a turtle. An added head and tail to ANY presumed Spanish constructed monument is what makes it a "Turtle Monument." A "cache turtle" is very similar.)

Each presumed cache site will use different variations of triangulation and the use of turtles, this tells a tale of who the builder may have been, whether it was a Royal funded expedition or privateers. 

Monument #1

300 plus years of Crustose Lichen

Moving on to Monument # 2 above at 48 yards away or 52 Varas, I find the same in simplicity, however this monument is about 5 feet tall but near the top of it is what appears to be a possible pointer. Upon looking at this and lining it up with the horizon to which it points, another monument, approximately one mile away, is spotted that is nearly undetectable with the naked eye, but once you see it, it seems to stand out to its surroundings. This sited monument is # 5 to the west and on top of a much larger hill. Although the pointer points to this hill, it was clear it was pointing to a location not far down the hill or south of the monument that could be seen one mile away, we would find out later why. 

Monument 2 with # 3 in the background

Continuing to Monument # 3, I find a near 6 foot monument much like the previous with also a suspect pointer, it is pointing to the exact same location mentioned prior, however this monument had one thing that really stood out, and that is what seems to be for no reason at all, placed on top is a very square rock. At this point the first thing that came to mind is, in the Spanish symbolism, the square is said the represent two things, one is Cache, the other is 90 degrees. From this # 3 monument to what I will later conclude is the actual cache site at Monument 4 and 5, is the exact opposite according to the compass of 90 degrees at 270 degrees. The other thing I took notice of because it exists for no apparent reason was the increase in height from monument to monument, 4 foot, 5 foot and 6 foot, having 3 heights present. This to me, was only significant simply because of my studies and others who have constantly made notations of the Spanish doing things in 3’s or 3 times in addition to its application in triangulation. In addition to this notation of 3's, and you will want to remember this, Let this be a clue, there is a way to validate your findings or conclusions of triangulation in EVERY valid Spanish Cache site, if it is not present, you have either made a mistake, or it is NOT a Spanish Cache Location, This last piece of information I will keep to myself, this way, you will need me. ;-) Sorry...

Monument # 3

At this point it seemed to me the obvious next course of action was to travel to the monument site we could see one mile away. Later in creating the digital layout I would notice the angle used from monument to monument and as a result I could not help but notice the distance from monument to monument within each of the two separate sites.

Approaching the location of Monument # 5 traveling up the hill, another monument prior comes into view, this would be monument # 4 and it just so happened to be in the very location the pointers of #1, #2 and #3 were pointing, but because of the smaller size of approximately 4 feet and near identical with monument # 1, and having been camouflaged from view from the other hill, we could not see it from the previous site. 

Monument # 4

Looking uphill I notice by compass the degrees from # 4 to 5, is the same as from the previous site #1 to 2. Why this has my attention would take some time to explain as to why this is important but suffice it to say it is a sure indication that not only are you on the right track, but it is a likely verification of a Cache site.

Later in drafting the digital layout it is also observed that the 1st site of # 1, 2, and 3 is seemingly a template or map so to speak of the 2nd site on the larger hill, with this suspicion, I checked the distances again between #1 and 2 being 48 yards, observation of site 1’s seeming counter part (2nd site Larger Hill), I see by visual estimation the distance between # 4 and 5 appeared to be 3 times longer, could it be? Sure enough, the distance was near exactly 3 times the length.

Monument # 5 was a stout and 6 foot tall monument, it had no indication of site windows, pointers or anything unusual other than it had in the base of it what I call a mail box and it seemed to fulfill its purpose of representation of a given point in triangulation of a cache layout just as the previous # 4 seemed and serving as an Icon so to speak, to be seen from a far distance. If this second site and seeming reconstructed representation of its template site was in fact the results of the template X 3… then where was the 3rd missing # 6 monument? That wasn’t to difficult to answer as there is not a one soul who would place a monument right on top of an intended cache, yet there are some who have thought this and destroyed the monuments just to find how dumb their conclusion was.. 

In creating the digital layout it became very clear the intent of monument # 3. Using this 1st site as a template, it would seem your job was to figure out that it was a template and with two monuments already positioned in its counterpart on the larger hill, it was up to the finder to realize, the objective is to plot the cache location which would ultimately be the missing # 6 location. This would represent the location in the template of # 3, the one with the implicating square rock on top. This # 6 position can easily be established using the same compass bearings found in the template site, and 3 X’s the distances in it. Could it really be that easy? It never is....

Monument # 5 with # 4 in the background slightly and to the left side

I have found over the years at 5 other similar sites, the same basic principles only differing by what would seem to be the expedition leaders personal preference and depth of encryption, it would seem the more important the site, the more encryption is included, however this is speculative and has yet to be proven. It is fair to say that the 5 mentioned sites must still be concidered as unresolved simply because they remain unopened for various reasons. Until recently I have not had cause to proceed any further with these sites. Perhaps it is time? Of all the monuments at this site, not one, is what I would call a turtle monument of which I fully expected to find, why was it not used in this case? (UPDATE: On the second trip it was discovered that monument # 1 is indeed a turtle monument of which the head points to monument # 4)

This particular site was educating to say the least, but a far cry from the most encrypted site found years prior, using a combination of all the geometric principles of navigation and triangulation, and taken me near 10 years to unravel, the site which is the subject herein, took less than 30 minutes to resolve once the digital layout was complete, but as I said, it must be concidered still as unresolved.

Since the discovery of this site, only one attempt has been made to discover the intended target, it was just a whim but made sense at the time. Since that time I have dropped the ball on this one for many ubnrelated reasons. I think I am ready to spend some more time with it but now we are facing winter once again...

  Smaller Hill, template site

Larger Hill, Cache Layout

The mining area that this suspect cache came from is likely some 70 miles away, and a suspect cache remains there as well... "125 cargas of silver, 30 cargas of gold, one cannon, arqubuses, lead and armour" why would they leave a cache 70 miles into their trip back to Santa Fe? I can think of a few possabilities...  It is estimated that this occured some time between the early 1600's and early 1700's.

Seems easy doesn't it? It is never easy, there is always something you fail to see or notice... and always it seems, there is a need for technical equipment.

If I were to offer this site to you, with strings attached of course... what questions would you have? what expectations would you have? What expectations should I have? 

PS... Concerning my last request for donations, I wish to thank those who contributed... all two of you, it is greatly appreciated and will be remembered... ;-)

I am planning a private meeting with my freinds concerning this site, I can't believe I dropped the ball on this one, time to pick it back up... I am looking to raise about $2 to $3000 to get me through this winter, I have a good shot at a job prospect come January as the current job just isn't cutting it, keeping fingers crossed... wish me luck...

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Tuscoro.com Seeks Donations...


Hello everyone…. and seasons greeting...

First and foremost I would like to thank you all again for your support these many years!

Please know that I created this blog site to share my discoveries in research, it has never been about money. I enjoy it when inspiration comes, and I love to share it. 

I know times are tough for all right now.. However, I make this plea. 

Here I am again, and I leave it up to you, keep in mind I have every intention of continuing as inspiration continues, and I will never turn this into a member fee site as long as it survives. 

I DO welcome and encourage donations, as long as there is a need… and right now we could certainly use them... if it were not for a few very generous friends and my sweet Amy; I don’t know how I would have got through the last 4 years. Please if you are able, toss in a few bucks, if every viewer threw in a buck or two every month, what a difference it would make...

So if it is not to much to ask, please do so, my family would greatly appreciate it, as much as we appreciate your support in coming to this site. It sure would take a load off my shoulders.


Methods of donations can be made by;

Venmo…  @Amy-Crockett-Lowe

PayPal… crickett4@gmail.com

Metapay (Facebook)… Amy Crockett Lowe - on messenger

Or direct deposit at America First Credit Union… Amy Crockett living in Duchesne Utah

 If you intend to buy a book now would be a great time!

Thank you and may God Bless you in these trying times….

The Hathenbruck Legacy or Fantasy? Revised & Edited

  April 13th 2016

A Review from the Book Utah Gold Rush
* With a few updates *

F.W.C Hathenbruck and Family Circa 1920


At no time in this report is it my intention to slander, diminish or embarrass any individual alluded to within, especially the ancestor FWC Hathenbruck. My purpose here is to inform the Hathenbruck decedents that the only story concerning their ancestor that has been published so far appears to be a complete fabrication. In my mind, this was a blatant and intentional act to deceive the many descendants of this man as to whom he was, or in this case, as to whom he was not.

I have compiled my findings that the descendants may know a part of truth concerning FWC Hathenbruck. I don’t mind a good fictional fantasy story, but when I spend my time, which I value, trying to learn the truth of my roots, the last thing I will put up with are the vain imaginations of what appears to be an intentional fraud for what seems to be for self-notoriety and self-gratification.

After publishing this article in 2016, I recieved several messages from the co author and his wife threatening me with copyright violation and threats of being sued... I just ignored the nasty messages as I knew a copyright was not possible and that the photos were stolen property, thier time will come. There is much more unrelated to this book review yet concerning the co author that you can read here... Setting the Record Straight
and still even more to the story that has not been written... perhaps some day...

Each of us from time to time discovers some colorful individuals in our past, sometimes a frontiersman, famous outlaw, lawman, a founding father, or sometimes even a member of the past Royal families. I don’t know about you but I get a thrill in discovering my ancestry, learning of those whom I may have a physical connection.

As I research the many ancestors, from time to time we find some incredible stories such as is the case with the enigmas FWC Hathenbruck. Who was he... Really? And where did he come from and are among the questions that would weigh on my mind.

Some years ago while researching this ancestor of many; I stumbled across a web site which seemed to have some considerable information concerning this elusive character. What I read on the site seemed a bit incredible and later in years I discovered a book which the same claims had been published. The web site was a creation of the co-author of the book.

The individual from the web site and apparent co-author of the book claimed to be a descendant of the subject at hand, this was not difficult to verify, as I always find the most original source in my research and check the credibility of the individual making such claims and because the claim seemed a bit far-fetched, I just had to investigate the source material for those claims.

Making contact with the individual who eventialually became a freind...or so I thought... who apparently is the source for all the claims made on the now closed downed web site, and the book, I was assured that the information was in his personal possession but to this very day have never received as promised the information to verify the claims made.

With initial contact I took notes of things I was told, one of which concerning how the ancestor in question lost his arm, I was told he lost it in a mill accident, but as it would seem, the story has grown into an almost unbelievable event.

Over the years I have also checked the qualifications and character of the author of the book, a man I would not suggest looking into, with what I would say is a very questionable back ground. A relative of mine served as a Physiologist and Captain at the Utah State Prison, he had known the author of the book quite well having talked with him many times over in his career, while his residence at the prison was had, I was told he served about 8 years for beating his wife to death with a 2 by 4, needless to say, the credibility of this authors integrity and qualifications were diminishing. More often than not some just believe or want you to believe that just because they are decent of some firsthand experience, that this somehow makes them an expert in the field.

However giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, I continued to inquire and research hitting nothing but dead ends in trying to verify the many claims made by the co-author & descendant of FWC, which so far was the only truth I had found.

I decided to start at the root of some of the claims and contacted several of the Historic Royal societies in England, with today’s internet capabilities; it has become much easier to track down not only contact information but resource material as well, vital statistics, travel records etc...

One such claim that almost seemed unreal and was the reason for contacting the pre mentioned societies, is the claim that FWC was the illegitimate son of Frederick III, German Emperor and King of Prussia. 

Frederick III, Father of Kaiser Wilhelm II
is Not the Father of FWC Hathenbruck

To my surprise, none of those contacted, had ever heard anything of the sort, no accounts of Frederick III being promiscuous were among them, and none of them had ever heard of the Fraulein Louisa Hudinburgh, said to be Hathenbrucks mother, (Hanna Louisa Haddenbrock, A Fictitious person, having supposedly been born 1825 entered on two Genealogy sites) in fact to this day I have  not been able to verify that she ever existed and with several different variations of spelling. After all these years I am convinced she is a complete fabrication, perhaps someone can provide some form of proof of her existence.

However each of those whom I contacted suggested or was eager to tell me the story they each felt the claim came from, and that it occurred at nearly the same time. It would seem that it was not Fredrick III who had the affair, but Frederick III’s Father Wilhelm I who was promiscuous, the Kaiser Wilhelm’s Grandfather or who would have been the Grand Father of FWC IF in fact the claim made by the co-author were true, from this point, the story relayed to me was near identical in detail as to the story I was originally told by the co-author many years ago, yet differs from the printed story in some detail.

Kaiser Wilhelm I, The Promiscuous one...
Father of Ferdinad Emil Weinrich
Not the Father of FWC Hathenbruck

It would seem the well-known story among the Royalist History groups, was in that Wilhelm I had an affair with the widow Bertha Caroline Shonborn resulting in the bastard child Ferdinand Emil Weinreich being born in Konigsberg, East Prussia, the illegitimate son of Kaiser Wilhelm I. This event occurred at nearly the same time making Emil Weinreich about the same age as Hathenbruck. Apparently it is a well-known story among the Historic Royalists. Emil eventually settled in Denmark and married, some of his descendants joined the Mormon Church and moved to Provo Utah and to my knowledge Emil Weinreich never came to the states.

Ferdinand Emil Weinreich, the illegitimate son of Wilhelm I,
King of Prussia and Half Uncle to Kaiser Wilhelm II 
(See Ferdinand Emil Weinreich: His Life Story)

To this day, I have never seen definitive or even remotely curious evidence that shows even the slightest legitimacy of the story told concerning FWC being the illegitimate son of Frederick the III, there is absolutely no evidence what so ever not even the slightest implication other than the imaginative story fed to the descendants of Hathenbruck. It would appear the story of Emil Weinreich had been high jacked.

It would seem from what appears to be reliable information depending on Hathenbruck’s motives, What I have found believed to be true is that he arrived in the States in 1866, when he got here it would appear he was married at age 17 or never officially married as I cannot find any record of it. In the 1900 12th Census he stated that his parents were both from France, he being born in England. In 1920 in the 4th census, he answers the question again, Born in England, Father being French and French listed as native tongue, but this time he shows his mother as being from Holland and native tongue as Dutch, and he is marked as a manager in a Slate Quarry. I do not know what to make of the designation of the parents, personally I do not think Hathenbruck ever had the idea in his head that his Father was the Kaiser, I believe it was created by a glory seeking nobody, I don’t care how much someone would want to keep it quiet, he would have told someone.

From the 14th or 1920 census

Among many other claims made in what appears to be the only source concerning FWC’s origins and now appearing unreliable, my attention was drawn to the very tiny photos found on page 210 and 211 in the book in question. I always wondered why such small photos were used in the book when larger photos were in the possession of the chest pounding story teller. I do not know where the story teller got the photos but one source who knew the co-author in the 1990’s claimed he was told by the co-author that he had stolen the pictures and a few more items... from two Hathenbruck brothers from Cedar City. If anyone recognizes the photos presented here in as evidence to be weighed against the very large claims made with each of the tiny photos found in the book, please do tell and inform the rightful owner.

Looking at page 210 and 211 of the book in question of the co-author previously mentioned, we see the first of several photos which are from the same early 1900’s photo shoot session with one exception being the photo in the top right of page 211 with the text beneath it “Hathenbruck Wagon” This claim could very well be true, as the middle individual even in this barely discernable picture is without a doubt FWC, this photo is of a different source. So with that said, let’s move to the other pictures which creates much concern and in my mind destroys the credibility of the claims and deals a large blow to all other information which has been used in the so called Hathenbruck Legacy. I wanted to believe the wild stories of the ancestor FWC, and although I suspected some exaggerations, I had no idea how bad this exaggeration was.

Keep in mind, the original photos in their large format were available to the co-author at the time the book was publish, why would anyone use such small photos when such large claims are being made?

Claim #1 page 120

Actual size as printed in the book

Now when I first saw this page, having written many research articles, I could not help but wonder why this image was so small, to my knowledge no camera takes such small photos and if they did, why have the camera? The authors of the book would have to scan the photo for publication so unless the operator of the scanner was a complete idiot, there had to be a reason for the very small photos, I can think of a couple.

Some years ago the co-author who at the time was thought to be a freind, shared some old western photos from the basin area with me, at the time I was not concerned with where they came from, I just needed some old western photos, I had no idea he was handing me the very photos which are used on the pages in question. I scanned all the photos in high quality formatt with his permission. Having looked at the photos many times since, I became familiar with them. It wasn’t until I opened the book again years later and happened to turn to page 210 that I realized the photos were one and the same. Wow! I thought finally I can see the outlaws in the photos, needless to say I was very disappointed, and angry at the same time. I went from photo to photo only to find the same disappointing results. This is the first real time I made this research a matter of priority rather than accepting the author’s word for it.

Lets look first at the 2nd claim attributed to the photo and go right to the specific individual in the photo mentioned. (Claim: Hathenbruck is third from the right.)

Picture # 1 The Overall Larger Image

Now please feel free to correct me if I am wrong but this man is definitely NOT FWC and this man would appear to be about late 30’s to early 40’s but most noticeable is this man has both arms. FWC had lost his arm long before this, there isn’t one man in this photo shoot who is missing an arm. These pictures although the exact date is unknown, were taken sometime around 1900 to 1906. This same man appears in picture # 3 on the far left.

Now lets look at the 3rd claim pertaining to this specific photo, it is said that the man on the right with open vest is Matt Warner. The first claim of this photo is that these are FWC’s gunfighters, but based on the overall picture from this photo shoot, all men are carrying Shotguns, One man is holding the kill of the day, a sage hen or pheasant, right by the pheasant is two bird dogs, a Labrador and a Britney Spaniel, in another photo from this same photo shoot not used in the publication is a dear hanging from a tree. Also one of the men is wearing a shooting vest made for shotgun shells, not one man is seen as wearing a pistol and since when do gunfighters run around in Wagons and a carriage? Something just isn’t right.

                                                                            Matt Warner Prison Photo

Matt Warner

The same man above said the be Matt Warner is also in picture number 2 second from the right with a strange man all the way to the right dress in white, we’ll come back to him. He is also in picture # 5 back row and second from the right. Now I am not line up expert but this is not Matt Warner, maybe you think it is. 

Now let’s look at the second photo on page 210 on the right and second picture down from top and the claims made with it.

Claim # 2 approximate actual size of photo as it appears in the book

Lets have a closer look at all the men starting from left to right.

The man on the left in the above picture is said to be FWC, this man is clearly in his late 30’s to early 40’s, and as you can see, holding a shotgun with his missing right arm is not possible, however just looking at him, it is clearly not Hathenbruck. Also notice the man on the right wearing a shotgun shell vest and at his right knee you see the head of a Britney Spaniel. This is the man who is claimed to be “Elza” Lay in picture # 5, His name is actually Elzy.

The man in the middle is the one which is claimed to be Matt Warner.

I will leave it up to you to see if you can find a match for any of the names mentioned as being in the photo.

Elzy Lay                                   Elzy Lay? I don’t think so.

I have no idea who Henry “Hen” Lee is except that he is mentioned in a book written by A.C. Wlkerson nor Iowa J. Hall.

The following images are according to the authors of the book in question, Bub Meeks but they call him Bob in one photo and Bill in another, His real name was Henry Wilbur Meeks (Bub)

Man Claimed to be Bub Meeks Same Man from other photo


Young Bub Meeks                                                   Older Bub Meeks

And from the third photo is the same man, however the authors claim that in this photo that this man is Butch Casidy?

The Conclusion for me is an absolute, this is not Butch, Bub, Bill or Bob.

With this let’s move to the 3rd claim on page 210 bottom left photo.

Approximate size of actual photo from the book

Photo # 3

The only real claim from this photo is that the man standing in the center is Butch Cassidy shown previously.

Now just in case the authors made a mistake, here are the two men to the right, and the three on his left, and once again, I do not see Butch Cassidy in this picture.

Left                                                                 Right

Butch Cassidy

Man in the middle said to be Butch

 Claim # 4 Page 210

Now I’m not certain what the author was implying here as there is no such thing then or today as “Hathenbruck Crossing” or gunfighters for that matter. In case you haven’t put it together yet this photo shoot was a hosted hunting party in the Uinta Basin area near Blue Bell and likely the photos were taken somewhere between Sand Wash and Twin Pots, wait till you see who the guest and primary host of this hunting party was, the authors of the book apparently never saw it.

Claim # 5 page 210

We have pretty much already covered each of these, in addition let me say Bub Meeks was no small guy, said to be the second from the left, front row in the picture below.

Bub Meeks? I don’t think even close.

Still no Elzy Lay

Keep in mind in the following the authors of the book claim the photos to be form 1905-6, and this might be a good time to point out from much more reliable sources, the Elzy Lay was arrested in 1899 and held in Prison until 1906, according to the source he never saw the now defunct Wild Bunch Gang again.

Bub Meeks was imprisoned in1897, he did at least 12 years, (1909) after which several sources cannot agree.

Matt Warner About 1896, while on a prospecting trip, was ambushed in a gunfight, killed two, wounded a third, was arrested and convicted. After serving four years of a five-year sentence for this shootout, he was pardoned and released by Utah Governor Heber M. Wells in 1900. In the early 1900's he became a Justice of the peace, deputy sheriff, night guard and detective in Price, Utah. Matt Warner’s real name is Willard Erastus Christianson.

Butch Cassidy or Robert Leroy Parker, made his plea for amnesty in 1896, while awaiting, he happened into more trouble and as a documented fact he fled for New York in 1901 and sailed to Argentina where he remained until

at least 1908 where in it is said he was killed but at this point in 1908 historians cannot agree some believe he lived out the remainder of his life under an assumed identity.

At one time on the web site of the co-author, it was said that Kid Curry and Doc Holiday were also among the men in these photos, however the web site no longer exists. I guess it was discovered that Kid Curry died in 1904 and Doc Holiday in 1907.

This one is by far my favorite of the photo shoot but not for reasons you may think. As you can see neither of the two man are Hathenbruck, how could someone as familiar with Hathenbruck as the co-author not know? Was it because he thought no one would ever see the large photos? The other man is referred to as a companion ON A HUNTING PARTY? I guess it wasn’t as easy to hide the same dog in this photo even by using a small photo as it was in two other photos with the same dog.

I do not know who the man on the left is, but I do know who it is not, but the man on the right I do know who it is, and it is not Hathenbruck either, I can’t understand for the life of me why the authors of the book did not see it.

Now just to recap, nowhere in this photo shoot, and exempting the photo of Hathenbruck’s wagon as it was not among the original photo shoot, Hathenbruck is no where to be found and apparently has nothing to do with the photos.

Now, who is this man on the right and primary guest of this hunting party? The Man on the right is Kaiser Wilhelm II the very man the authors claim is Hathenbruck’s half-brother? but as you have read there is a problem with this claim.

It is the photo above from this set of photos that causes me with all other evidences the hunting party having taken place around the turn of the century. The Kaiser was born in 1859 and in 1899 would have been 40 years of age.

Kaiser Wilhelm in 1899 Age 40

There is no doubt in my mind that this is the Kaiser in this photo, the man on his left is also in the other photos which ties the photos together, and so I ask, what was the Kaiser doing here? Trying to secure the Gold of the Rhoades mine? Sounds good but I don’t think so; I think he had a much bigger fish to fry. It is only fair to say at this point that the Kaiser did indeed have a withered arm from birth and according to historians and the many photos of the Kaiser, he was in the habit of hiding it from the camera, the reason he is seen posing for a profile photo with his left side protected. Notice his pants are torn which likely occurred in the overturning of the wagon shown in the photo shoot.

If the Kaiser were interested in the Rhoades mine, which is possible, would he handle it himself or would he have used his right hand man, Baron Louis Anton Von Horst? We know that land was being purchase at Sand Wash in Blue Bell prior to 1914, the newspaper articles confirm it was the Kaiser who was buying the land, but the name used in the transactions was his man the Baron Von Horst. I have yet to obtain the earliest of records of the indicial purchase.

It was rumored around 1914 that the German Kaiser had land in the Basin, there are many articles relating as such.

From the Vernal Express 03-28-1913

This is an interesting article as it shows communication “by correspondence” between Hathenbruck, and Baron Von Horst, the Kaisers suspect representative, keep in mind the man was also suspect of being a German spy in England and was arrested as such and by record, shows to be frequently traveling around the world and back and forth from the states to Germany. Did Hathenbruck have part in this?

The interesting thing is, the Kaiser came to the Basin, likely to see the land for himself, I would suspect Baron Von Horst set up the Hunting trip to the Sand Wash area with the hunt taking place sometime prior to 1906, and brought the Kaiser along with him but under a false name, the other hosts of the hunting party likely never knew who he was. No one to my knowledge ever knew the Kaiser came here but the evidences are difficult to refute. Below are the land records showing Baron Von Horst was the man paying the taxes which he often lets go delinquent. Recorded history of other sources does not show the Baron was even in Utah but the many news

articles shows he was without a doubt here, and was frequently in the Basin as late as 1928. The land in question in the below photo is Sand Wash near Blue Bell.

After this recording it was always signed by his brother, E. Clemons Horst until sold in 1942, prior to the entries above it was signed as Mrs. Baron Louis Von Horst, the original purchase date was by a company/corporation Called T. R. Watts which is a surviving company to this day and presumed to be one and the same in Sommerset England, Patent Date was 1913.

Hathenbrucks efforts to lease enormous amounts of land on the Reservation came to a halt in 1905, of all the land the Kaiser could have had, why west of Mountain Home and in the Sand Wash area?

Now let me bring you back to the mysterious man that shows in two of the photos. On the co-authors web site the mysterious individual in this first photo was said to be Josie Basset Morris, but this is not the case. It is also claimed the photos were taken by FWC, which I suppose is possible but not likely. 

The claim and photo which still exists on Pinterest.
SEE Claim # 6

So if FWC was taking the photos, how could he appear in some of the photos taken likely the same day? If you look closely, two different men in the claim photos accused of being Hathenbruck, are in this photo, so how could he take the photo?

Based on all the evidence gathered from the picture, this whole photo shoot is a hosted hunting trip, the host is most likely this individual due to his nice dress, his presumed nice carriage he is standing by, and his guest is likely the Kaiser. This individual is highly suspect of being Baron Louis Anton Von Horst. I have searched for years for a photo of the Baron, and only recently has one been made available. Judge for yourself.

In reading the many articles regarding the Barons dealing in the Basin it is said he was working with his brother. His brothers are; Ernest F. G. Horst, Werner E. A. Horst, E. Clemens Horst, Paul R. G. Horst, Adolf E. Horst. I wonder if one of these brothers has an Alias?

   Perhaps Brothers?    

Now I can’t prove a thing at this time, But there is no record of Hathenbruck in his 3 claimed trips traveling to the states twice, and once to Germany although I suspect only one trip TO the states, obviously he was using another name, what name was it?

The genealogist in the Hathenbruck Family would like to believe that Hathenbruck is an alternate spelling of some other form, I do not believe this. I believe the very name Hathenbruck had no existence prior to FWC Hathenbruck and for some reason he was traveling under either his real name, or another assumed name. I would like just as much as any of you to learn the truth of this to discover the true identity of the mysterious man Hathenbruck.

We would all like to believe that the ancestor Hathenbruck was some Doc Holiday, Kit Carson, Butch Cassidy, Thomas Rhoades and Aron Lee Ralston all wrapped up in a ball, but I prefer to think there is a much more interesting and exciting story behind this man, a story of secret agents, spies, deceit, betrayal and mystery.

How can anyone of the Hathenbruck family know who they truly are until it is found who Hathenbruck was? Because it would seem quite clear to me that the currently believed fabricated story created by a couple of imaginative and creative minds apparently seeking glory, is a complete and utter fallacy. I just don’t see any truth to the claims of Doctor, Engineer, signing Custer’s death certificate, etc…

Concerning the claim of the 24 year old Doctor Hathenbruck, signing Custer’s equivalency of a death certificate, the State of Montana had this to say,

“The State of Montana does not have death certificate for the person listed below. Montana was a territory at this time and not a State. We only have death certificates starting from 1907 to present if reported to the state.”

Sharon B.
Montana Vital Records 406-444-4251

The History of Custer written by qualified individuals states the following;

“When the main column under General Terry arrived two days later, the army found most of the soldiers' corpses stripped, scalped, and mutilated.[65] Custer's body had two bullet holes, one in the left temple and one just below the heart.[66] Capt. Benteen, who inspected the body, stated that in his opinion the fatal injuries had not been the result of .45 caliber ammunition, which implies the bullet holes had been caused by ranged rifle fire.[67]

Following the recovery of Custer's body and that of his brother Tom, the remains were buried on the battlefield side by side in a shallow grave, after being covered by pieces of tent canvas and blankets.[68] One year later, Custer's remains and those of many of his officers were recovered and sent back east for reinternment in  more formal burials. Custer was buried again with full military honors at West Point Cemetery on October 10, 1877. The battle site was designated a National Cemetery in 1876.

It would seem Captain Benteen who inspected the body had no issues about who the body was, and the fact that he was dead, however a death certificate may have been required in the State of New York where he was ultimately buried. However their response received just seconds ago as I type this, was;

“The New York State Department of Health (DOH) began filing birth records in 1880 and death and marriage records in 1881.

"For records prior to 1881 you may wish to contact the registrar or historian of the locality where the event occurred to see if they have earlier records. It is possible that no official records may exist for such early events.”

Now one more interesting tid bit relating to the claim of Hathenbruck being a doctor, I was browsing the many newspapers of the past searching the earliest publication of “Hathenbruck” when I discovered this article I had not seen… it is a lengthy article from Salt Lake Herald, 1887-04-10, and so I will give the two sections where in Hathenbruck is mentioned.

The earliest mention of Hathenbruck is found in 1885, what I find interesting in the article is in that Hathenbruck supposedly being a doctor at age 25 and apparently qualified and important enough to sign the nonexistent death certificate of General George Armstrong Custer and now has 35 years experience under his belt, is working at the Territory Insane Asylum not as a Medical Superintendent, not a physician or even a physician assistant, but as a Steward? Again the evidence doesn’t match the tall tail.

The earliest record of him in the states is 1867 “arrival” under census records, but immigration year shows 1866.

All in all, I don’t care what the truth is, as long as it is the truth. As it would seem, the credibility of the two so called authors has fallen to 0% for me.

There are also many articles in the digital newspaper collections, I highly recommend to any of Hathenbruck’s descendants to search them out at digitalnewspapers.org this alone helped me to understand the man known as Hathenbruck much more. It wouldn’t hurt to research Ferdinand Emil Weinreich, Baron Louis Anton Von Horst and histories of the Kaiser Wilhelm II.

See additional article having to do with the Kaisers visits and where he made his homes, and his interactions with Jesse James.